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Local School Committees meet every term (3 times a year).   These non-statutory committees undertake the governor monitoring role, hold each school in the Federation to account and provide a direct link to the Full Governing Body.

Members of the LSC do not have voting rights on the Full Governing Body unless they are elected to the Full Governing Body.

The members of the Leeming & Londonderry and Pickhill Local School Committee are:

Mrs Nicole Rayner Head of School
Rev James Gwyn-Thomas Associate Foundation Member
To be confirmed Associate Parent Member
Mrs Natalie Hawes Staff Governor
Fran Stanyer Associate Co-opted Member
Mrs Anna Smith Associate Co-opted Member Chair of LSC
Mrs Frances Bainbridge Associate Co-opted Governor

For further information regarding our LSC, please contact the clerk to the Governors - r.hustwick@synergyschools.co.uk

Synergy Trust Schools

About Synergy Schools

Synergy Schools is a federation of primary schools in the north of North Yorkshire. The federation was formed in September 2018, when Brompton-on-Swale and Crakehall Church of England Primary Schools successfully shared senior leadership capacity. Leeming & Londonderry Community & Pickhill Church of England Primary schools joined the federation in July 2021.